A Retrospective on Eight Years of Advice for Metal Roofing Contractors
The Residential Metal Roofing Executive Report published its first article on March 21, 2014, over eight years ago now. Originally, articles came out monthly, but within a few issues, we switched to twice monthly (we had too much information to share).
Since our inception, our goal has been to provide valuable information on marketing, lead-gen, sales, installation, and referrals for the metal roofing market. This information has come mainly from the wisdom and experience of Isaiah Industries President Todd Miller.
When one looks back over the archive of past issues, one gets an amazing compendium of knowledge vital to running a successful construction or metal roofing business.
We set out to make a helpful resource for those in the metal roofing business. What we have created is an excellent resource for anyone wanting to ensure that their home improvement or roofing business is on the leading edge in terms of Marketing, Lead Generation, In-Home Sales, Installation, Referral Maximization, and Leadership.
Some of my favorite issues are 12 – 21, in which we discuss how to sell the most salient benefits of metal roofing.
Other favorites: 32- Selling Your Story, 41- How Homeowners Approach A Roofing Decision, 52-60 A System for Selling Series, 77- Establishing Trust, 104- In the Roofing Biz? Then You’re In The Energy Biz!, 109- Lead Qualification: Qualify for Quality, 113- Permission-Based Selling, 114- Needs-Oriented Selling, 115- Value-Added Sales, 129- Are All Metal Roofs Created Equal?, 135- Are You REALLY Using A Sales Presentation?, and 139- Sell All You Offer!
If this is too many to check out at once, try searching for topics of interest on our website, www.executive-report.com.
Thanks for your readership over the years. I am glad to share my experiences and ideas with such a great group.
Todd Miller, President
For roughly the past two years, I’ve been privileged to write for the Executive Report as Isaiah’s Content Writer. As a result, I can say that I’ve learned quite a lot as a total newbie to roofing, much less metal roofing.
I’ve researched quite a few different topics for the Report, read some good books, and listened to informative episodes of our podcast, Construction Disruption (weekly episodes on Tuesdays.) After some review, these are my favorite issues: 163- Succeeding on the “Proving Ground” of Sales, 175- Passive House Design and Metal Roofing: A Perfect Fit, 178- Blink: First Impressions Set the Tone, 184- Branding; The Hero’s Journey, 186- Biophilic Design: An Ancient Truth with Modern Benefits, and 190- Crisis is inevitable, so what’s your plan?
As for the future of the RMRER, we hope to keep bringing articles to you on sales, marketing, lead-gen, installation, and referrals for years to come. We’re glad you’re on this journey with us, and we hope you find our insight helpful.
Thanks for reading.
Ethan Young, Content Writer
Todd Miller has spent his entire career in the metal building products manufacturing industry. He is president of Isaiah Industries, an organization recognized as one of the world’s leading metal roofing manufacturers. Todd is currently Vice President of the MRA (Metal Roofing Association) and a Past Chair of MCA (Metal Construction Association). Through his website, he strives to raise the bar on standards and practices to provide property owners with the best possible products for successful roofing projects.
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