Issue #152 | July 1, 2020 | Todd Miller
I hope this finds you well. First, as a reminder, Isaiah Industries will be closed on Friday, July 3 to allow our families extra time together for the Fourth of July holiday. Now, in this issue of the Executive Report, we will continue to look at strategies to help home improvement contractors “jive and thrive”… ( read more )
Issue #151 | June 16, 2020 | Todd Miller
I hope this finds you well. The last three issues of the Residential Metal Roofing Executive Report have discussed how to “Prepare For Life After COVID-19.” With construction being re-opened in many states (if it ever closed), and life starting to take on some feeling of normalcy, home improvement contractors are facing changes yet again…. ( read more )
Issue #150 | May 27, 2020 | Todd Miller
I hope this finds you well and figuring out ways to “jive and thrive” during these unusual times. We are seeing things really “heat up” in terms of inquiries, quotes, and, yes, orders. (We especially love orders as they give us great things to do!) As a manufacturer of specialty residential metal roofing systems, Isaiah… ( read more )
Issue #149 | May 5, 2020 | Todd Miller
I hope this finds you well, safe, and productive. The word gets used non-stop lately but these are “unprecedented” times. But, out of unprecedented times, those who are resilient, determined, and tenacious always rise to new levels of knowledge, activity, and success. While some companies will “connive yet dive” as the result of COVID-19, others… ( read more )
Issue #148 | April 21, 2020 | Todd Miller
I hope that this finds you well and safe. I want to start out by reminding you that we have a prayer team here at Isaiah Industries that would be humbled to pray for any specific needs you have. Please feel free to email me if that is the case and I will get the… ( read more )