Eliminate The Competition With Your Expertise
I hope this finds you well. Now that better weather seems to be prevailing in many areas of the country, it seems that projects are getting back on track!
Here in the Executive Report, we like to focus on ways to bring extra success to home improvement contractors. While our focus is often on metal roofing, the things we talk about work for other product offerings as well!
There is something that we call “the edge” that results in increased sales for companies that offer something different to homeowners – not in terms of product necessarily (though that never hurts) but in terms of attitude, treatment, and overall experience. Fact is, any contractor can come in and give a homeowner a price for a metal roof, a new kitchen, replacement windows, or whatever but very few contractors come in and really focus on discovering and meeting the homeowner’s needs. To do that, you have to create emotion and you also must establish yourself as the expert who will look out for them and their home better than anyone else.
On Thursday, July 11 at 11 am Eastern, we will hold a free webinar / conference call with Frank Farmer, president of American Metal Roofs and Metal Roofing Consultants. Here’s what Frank will be discussing:
Emotion is why your customer pulls the trigger. This 45-minute call could increase your income by 25%. Think about it — Have you ever had a sales appointment where you left without a sale and were upset? You had it in your hands, you could taste it, and it slipped away? Of course, you have. Unfortunately, all of us have had that experience. What have you changed so that it will not happen again? In the next Let’s Be Frank call we will show you why your missing sales and discuss changes you can make to your presentation to boost your income.
Again, this is a free webinar / conference call. It will be held at 11 am Eastern on Thursday, July 11. Details for being a part of this call follow:
Zoom Meeting Link:
https://zoom.us/j/931436754One tap mobile:
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+17207072699,,931436754# USDial by your location:
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 720 707 2699 USMeeting ID: 931 436 754
I hope you can join us for this call. Now, let’s take a look at how you can gain extra consideration from your prospects, leading to more sales.
Above all, when they make a purchasing decision, consumers dread the possibility that they could make a decision that they will later regret. Because, realistically, haven’t we all made purchases that we later regretted? There is no worse feeling, is there? Especially not when your purchase was very “public” so that your friends, neighbors, and relatives all become aware of the bad decision you made.
How do you, as a contractor, present yourself in a way that makes it very clear that they will not make a mistake by going your way? Fortunately, most of your competitors make this pretty easy for you. Most of them focus on product and price, and nothing else. All you have to do is focus on a few other things – things that realistically are of more consequence to the homeowner – and you stand apart as the expert who can do the job right. Here are a few successful strategies used by the best contractors out there.
Never try to give the appearance that you already know what the customer needs, nor that you already have an answer for them. Customers inherently begin to trust the contractor who takes the time to really understand their project and their needs. Ask questions about their lifestyle and habits that impact the product you’re selling. For example, if your product has energy efficiency benefits, you will ask things like “What steps do you currently take to save energy in your home?”
Most contractors focus only on the immediate product to be replaced. You can be the expert, though, by going beyond that. Selling a roof? Look in their attic, check insulation and lumber moisture levels, as well as air flow. Make sure their downspouts and gutters are correct. Selling replacement windows? Look in their crawlspace for signs of leaks beneath the existing windows. Selling a kitchen? Do some measurements and discuss their traffic patterns in the kitchen – save them a few extra steps while preparing meals. By doing these things, and reporting your findings back to them, the homeowners begin to see how you alone are the contractor who will save them from a decision they will later regret. You are pointing things out to them that other contractors had missed or ignored.
State with confidence and clarity exactly what sort of training, education, and experience you and your team have. Who trained you? Did you receive any certification? How long ago was it? Do you get ongoing education? What have you learned? And perhaps the most important thing to build stories around — how have your knowledge and training helped you prevent other homeowners from making mistakes?
Provide all prospects with your reference list of past jobs. Use testimonials in videos and in print and share these widely. Get your prospects out to talk to your past customers. Be selective and show them projects that are similar to their own project. All of these things help to build your expertise and gain confidence. Make sure that you also have references from your suppliers.
Share with the prospect your printed Company Ethics as well as your Personal Commitment that states exactly what they can expect from you if you’re blessed with their business. Do not be shy in talking about yourself – no one else will tell your story if you don’t!
Build your own credibility by writing and speaking as much as you possibly can, and get these things in front of your prospects via social media, newsletters, etc. If possible, try to get in the local media through a home improvement column in the newspaper or a home improvement radio show. Send press releases to local media whenever you receive training or any sort of recognition.
Homeowners who are approaching a home improvement decision can go one of two ways – the cheap way or the way that works. As a professional contractor, you must show them how your way is the way that works – and how going with you is a decision they will never regret.
As always, know that I am available to be your guide in understanding the metal roofing industry. Feel free to email me or call me at 1-800-543-8938, ext. 201 whenever I can be of service.
Todd Miller has spent his entire career in the metal building products manufacturing industry. He is president of Isaiah Industries, an organization recognized as one of the world’s leading metal roofing manufacturers. Todd is currently Vice President of the MRA (Metal Roofing Association) and a Past Chair of MCA (Metal Construction Association). Through his website, he strives to raise the bar on standards and practices to provide property owners with the best possible products for successful roofing projects.
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