Happy New Year from the RMRER Team!
Happy New Year!
As 2022 ends and 2023 begins, residential metal roofing continues to grow, up to 17% of the market, according to the 2021 Dodge Report. The future is bright for our growing industry, and we aim to keep bringing you relevant content on improving your residential metal roofing business.
Over the past year of the Executive Report, we brought you twenty-four issues covering topics on selling, analytics, company culture, branding, and, lately, customer experience. My personal favorite from this year’s coverage was Issue 197: Your Writing Voice and How It Affects Your Marketing, but I might be a tad biased. Did you have a favorite issue this year? Or maybe one that spoke to you and your business? Let us know; we love to hear feedback.
This year, our resolution is to keep bringing you valuable insight on metal roofing and all the relevant skills you need to excel and reach your customers. Last year this time, we wrote about setting SMART goals for 2022. Here are the five goals we listed:
- Promote our new sales presentation and improve it with dealer feedback
- Market our new podcast and gain a larger audience
- Lean into social media for marketing
- Create more helpful video content
- Update our website
And here are the specific strategies we envisioned to achieve them:
We can aim to bring our new sales presentation to five of our core dealers this year and take specific feedback from each one as they use it in the field. Once we have that feedback, we can implement it and be ready for a wider audience next year.
For our podcast, we can connect with each guest to promote their episode on LinkedIn and to their audience, wherever they are. By doing this, we can grow our listener base and track it with statistics.
The best way to increase our presence in social media marketing is to make a weekly plan for content and platforms. For example, we can put out three Instagram posts a week and one video a week on Facebook.
For video content, we can block off one day a week to film and put out a few instructional videos a month on our YouTube channel.
Our website needs some reorganization and a visual update, and we need to take a hard look at the content we offer. The best way to measure progress here is by using project management software and monitoring the visitor stats as updates roll out.
As I look back at these, we did overhaul our sales presentation and created a full-fledged suite of presentations updated for our dealers. We did start promoting podcast episodes with our guests and published 48 episodes in 2022! We also posted more on social media, but not even close to the goals we tentatively set. As for video content, we set a schedule but haven’t filmed much yet. Finally, we did take a look at home page redesigns for our main sites but haven’t implemented any changes yet.
With these in mind, our updated goals for 2023 are:
- Continue publishing podcast episodes and refining the show
- Start small with social media with a post or two a week
- Start filming content with our schedule
- Implement the proposed website changes, one site at a time
Time will tell if we accomplish our goals, but we have a solid framework to start. What are your goals for 2023? Anything you’ve shoved in a closet or put off for too long?
A new year is a great time to take a look at your past efforts and aim your upcoming work toward a better outcome for you, your business, and your customers.
Here’s to 2023!
Todd Miller has spent his entire career in the metal building products manufacturing industry. He is president of Isaiah Industries, an organization recognized as one of the world’s leading metal roofing manufacturers. Todd is currently Vice President of the MRA (Metal Roofing Association) and a Past Chair of MCA (Metal Construction Association). Through his website, he strives to raise the bar on standards and practices to provide property owners with the best possible products for successful roofing projects.
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