Residential Metal Roofing Selling System
Welcome to the first issue of the “Residential Metal Roofing Executive Report.” As a leader in the production of specialty metal roofing, we are producing this monthly e-newsletter as a way to engage with contractors who are currently marketing metal roofing, or who might consider it for a future profit center in their business. As one of the fastest growing segments of home improvement, we believe that the future is very bright for all who enter our industry.
There are lots of homes out there and every home (hopefully) has a roof. In today’s economy, all homeowners want to make wise purchases and good decisions. Fact is, only the very rich can afford to buy cheap (and keep having to re-do the same purchase). Today’s homeowners are prime for the long term investment value of metal roofing.
While you always have an opt-out option at the bottom of these newsletters, our intention is to bring you information which will be helpful to you and your business. Furthermore, we want you to know that we are always available to support you and your efforts. So, that said, let’s get started with our first “Residential Metal Roofing Executive Report.”
There are two popular definitions for the word “insanity”. Let’s take a look at them:
- Definition Number One:
The state of being seriously mentally ill; madness - Definition Number Two:
Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results
My hope is that Definition Number One does not apply to you. The reality, though, is that Definition Number Two has probably applied to all of us at some points in our lives. Perhaps the scariest thing is that Definition Number Two, if left unchecked, can lead to Definition Number One.
As a business owner or manager, you should have specific goals to meet. Not meeting those goals forces the thoughtful leader to take a hard look at whether we are actually doing the same things again and again in our businesses and expecting different results. Deep down, we know that things will never change unless we change them and yet we don’t necessarily know what to do that is different.
McDonalds, the world’s most popular fast food provider, knows the value of systems. Industry studies show that fast food operators face annual employee turnover rates of 60%. Yet, go into any McDonalds and, if you can expect one thing, it is consistency. Their cheeseburgers in Manhattan taste pretty much exactly like their cheeseburgers in Dubuque. How do they do that? Systems!
The good news is that you can create systems in your business and then work to refine and improve those systems over time as you learn what works best. Imagine this – if you can properly identify various situations in the sales operation of your business and then apply systems to those situations which stand the best possible chance of a positive outcome, can’t you imagine that your sales will increase – even explode – and your life will be much simpler?
Now, when I first set out on the path of trying to identify, define, and document business systems, I had a lot of fears. Wasn’t my business too complicated for this? Would my team members lose their creativity? Would I be creating an uncomfortable workplace rather than a fun workplace?
All of those fears were unfounded! Let me tell you why. When you create and implement systems in your business, things get easier for everyone. No longer does anyone have to worry about who is doing what, when, and to what level of quality. Instead, team members can focus on success! And everyone loves success!
Instead of worrying about things, team members in a systematized business can carry out instructions which have been proven to work. They can quit worrying about “how” things are done and instead focus on your prospects and your customers. Once they do that, they can delight those audiences in ways that your competitors can’t. And life gets better for you, your team, your customers, and, with proper planning, even your suppliers.
I am very excited to be embarking on this monthly issues. In future months, I will outline the steps to creating systems in your business – systems that work and will make your life more enjoyable. I will focus heavily on your sales system but, from time to time, we will look at other things as well. Are you tired of always “doing it, doing it, doing it” and even feeling like a slave to your business? Come along with me on this journey and let’s see if we can’t bring you to a more enjoyable life and a more profitable business in residential metal roofing.
All best to you until the next issue … and feel free to email me anytime at with your questions or your most complex selling challenges – I’d love to discuss those matters with you!

Todd Miller has spent his entire career in the metal building products manufacturing industry. He is president of Isaiah Industries, an organization recognized as one of the world’s leading metal roofing manufacturers. Todd is currently Vice President of the MRA (Metal Roofing Association) and a Past Chair of MCA (Metal Construction Association). Through his website, he strives to raise the bar on standards and practices to provide property owners with the best possible products for successful roofing projects.
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I’m looking into doing two Seminars in the Late Fall to Educate and get Architects and Builders to use our products for a better Earth with lowering Carbon emissions that result in the melting of out polar icecaps and polluting our land fills and atmosphere! I’d like to do oe in Syracuse NY and another in Watertown NY