Residential Metal Roofing Executive Report Marketing, Lead Generation, In-Home Sales, Installation, Referral Maximization


Issue #50 | April 15, 2016 | Todd Miller

Making The Most Of Metal Roofing’s Energy Efficiency

The contractor who can best explain energy efficiency and make it “emotionally real” to a prospective customer will stand a great chance of getting the job.

Issue #46 | February 1, 2016 | Todd Miller


In this issue we discuss how successful remodeling contractors use Showrooms to generate serious leads and help them sell more product.

Issue #44 | January 12, 2016 | Seth Heckaman

Improve Your Businesses in 2016

With the beginning of another year, we are planning and strategizing how to improve our businesses and position ourselves for even more success beyond.

Issue #36 | September 8, 2015 | Todd Miller

So, Who Buys Metal Roofs, Anyway?

Knowing who buys metal roofs can help you with your marketing. Knowing why they buy, helps you tremendously in your presentations to them.

Issue #30 | June 15, 2015 | Todd Miller

Falling Back In Love With What You Do

I hope this finds you well and enjoying a great summer. The last few months have been so exciting for us as we have watched the growth of residential metal roofing. The dealers who sell and install our products across North America are all as busy as they can be this year, enjoying a market… ( read more )

Issue #26 | April 25, 2015 | Seth Heckaman

Selling the Benefit of Energy Efficiency

In this edition of the Residential Metal Roofing Executive Report, we will return to our series on Selling the Benefits of Residential Metal Roofing to discuss energy efficiency. The energy efficiency of metal roofing must be a critical component of the sales presentation in order to adequately articulate the premium value of metal. We are… ( read more )

Issue #24 | March 19, 2015 | Todd Miller

Selling the Benefit of Increased Home Value

In this issue of the Residential Metal Roofing Executive Report, we are going to continue with our series of looking at how to best present the various benefits of metal roofing to homeowners. In the past, we have looked at benefits including beauty, longevity, wind resistance, low weight, and fire resistance. In this issue, we… ( read more )

Issue #23 | March 9, 2015 | Todd Miller

Preparing For A Phenomenal 2015!

March is upon us. Not to be dramatic, but it’s “do or die” time for home improvement contractors. The things you have in place in your business right now for lead generation, in-home sales, and installation will determine whether 2015 is “status quo” for your business or something really phenomenal. Most home improvement companies find… ( read more )

Issue #22 | February 3, 2015 | Todd Miller

Fresh Ideas For Lead Generation

I hope this finds you well. I am especially excited about this issue of the Executive Report. Many of the very successful residential metal roofing contractors I have the privilege of working with will tell me that, usually by July of each year, they have pretty much “sold out” their company’s production capacity for the… ( read more )

Issue #21 | January 28, 2015 | Seth Heckaman

Fire Resistance

I hope this finds you well! I am the Sales Manager here at Isaiah Industries and Todd has allowed me to join in this discussion on selling the key benefits of metal roofing. I have learned much as Todd has passed along many of your responses to these reports where you share your own thoughts… ( read more )

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