Residential Metal Roofing Executive Report Marketing, Lead Generation, In-Home Sales, Installation, Referral Maximization


Issue #129 | June 26, 2019 | Todd Miller

Are All Metal Roofs Created Equal?

Something is weighing heavily on me today – the future of our industry. I had a contractor send me an email yesterday and, while I am paraphrasing a bit, here’s what he asked me: “All of this talk you make about different types of metal roofs seems like hocus-pocus to me, Todd. I’m a contractor… ( read more )

Issue #72 | April 14, 2017 | Todd Miller

Roofing Warranties

In this issue of the Executive Report, we will look at fresh ways to sell the value of Metal Roofing Warranties to your residential customers. As you may recall, in recent issues, we have looked in depth at Increased Home Value, Beauty, Low Weight, Fire Safety and Wind Resistance. Warranties can be very confusing for… ( read more )