Why join an industry association?
Industry News
The Metal Construction Association (MCA) is holding its summer meeting online from June 14-16. Registration is open to attend this year’s informational and educational seminars. Get timely information with sessions led by MCA councils and committees, the leading professionals in the metal construction industry. Sessions include discussion and networking opportunities for all attendees. Register for $250 a person or $500 for a group of up to five. Don’t miss out on vital industry knowledge as we move forward with 2021!
MCA? MRA? NRCA? NARI? What do these mean? The Metal Construction Association (MCA), (MRA), National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA), and the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) are industry associations. Each one brings benefits to its members, with different reasons to join.
The MRA focuses on consumers, spreading the good word of metal roofing through its member companies. From the MRA’s website: “[we are] dedicated to helping homeowners make educated roofing decisions and connecting them with expert metal roofing professionals.” Established in 1998 by a group of metal roofing leaders, the MRA has been instrumental in metal roofing’s growth in the remodeling and new construction markets. The MRA operates on a membership basis, delivering homeowner leads, a spot in their Find A Professional section, and a location listing for nearby customers. Leads sent to you as customers research their options make an excellent pipeline for work. Along with these upsides, the MRA provides a product certification demonstrating that you hold your product to high standards.
MCA’s mission statement is “to promote the use of metal in the building envelope through marketing, education, and action on public policies that affect metal’s use.” Taking an educational and awareness-focused approach, the MCA exists for like-minded contractors to learn from experts. While not explicitly focused on metal roofing, the MCA includes it under their umbrella. One great feature of an MCA membership is submitting projects as case studies on their website. These can be residential, commercial, or any other job, just one with a story worth telling. You can also have your company, location, and contact information listed so customers can search in your niche and find you. While the MRA leans into customer education, the MCA brings contractors and businesses together for mutual benefit.
NRCA is a big-picture group aimed at all roofing contractors, regardless of size or specialty. “Since 1886, the National Roofing Contractors Association has been the home for generations of entrepreneurial craftsmen and enterprises who shelter and protect America’s families and businesses and each other. Our vision is the recognition of our members as professionals and to unite the industry to that purpose.” Aimed at an overall representation of roofing contractors, NRCA advocates with lawmakers in roofers’ best interest. Also, they supply healthcare, education, certification, legal and technical help, and consulting services. The NRCA serves all kinds of groups, from architects to manufacturers. With the broadest array of resources, the NRCA also offers training and safety consultation.
NARI covers a wide range of industries, anything and everything involved in the remodeling industry. “NARI’s Core Purpose is to advance and promote the remodeling industry’s professionalism, product, and vital public purpose.” NARI also advocates for the remodeling industry, lobbying in Washington, D.C. Bringing connections between customers and businesses is another major goal. They ensure that consumers find the best remodeler, one held to the high standard they create. NARI’s benefits are centered around education and remote learning through NARI University.
Information, leads, and an industry-wide perspective are the three most significant benefits industry associations can offer you. In addition, advocacy, findings from research, and connections with customers are valuable to your existence as a business. Continuing education is crucial too, and so is certification as a sign of your quality of work. Finally, adding a logo to your marketing material and packaging from a respected agency adds credibility.
Joining an industry group has many perks, and if you aren’t a part of one yet, consider joining. Marketing resources, continuing education, and another avenue to connect with customers are great reasons to become a member. Check out some industry associations and expand your resources.
Todd Miller has spent his entire career in the metal building products manufacturing industry. He is president of Isaiah Industries, an organization recognized as one of the world’s leading metal roofing manufacturers. Todd is currently Vice President of the MRA (Metal Roofing Association) and a Past Chair of MCA (Metal Construction Association). Through his website, he strives to raise the bar on standards and practices to provide property owners with the best possible products for successful roofing projects.
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